Beth, Veronica & Suneel’s Stories

Beth’s storyF d(7)_listening_on_sofa

Beth was told about Home-Start by her health visitor when she was pregnant with her third child. She was reluctant to accept help at first but has now been supported for 3 years. Beth’s volunteer helps her to manage her finances and has become an important part of Beth’s routine.

Veronica’s story

Veronica is a mum with a border line personality disorder, she has a gambling addiction and has struggled to bond with her daughter. She has built a strong relationship with her volunteer and has now begun to interact with her daughter, prioritise her money and reduce her gambling.

Suneel’s story

Suneel fled her own country because of oppression and persecution. She was frightened and alone. With the support of her volunteer and her co-ordinator, Suneel started to trust people again. She went on to do a university degree and is now helping other families who find themselves in similar circumstances to herself.


Note : Names not actual names of the parents